کشک پیتو

کشک پیتو

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دسته بندی: کشک
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whey sauce Kashk or qurut  is a range of dairy products used in cuisines of Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani, Turkish, Kurdish, Mongolian, Central Asian, Transcaucasian and the Levantine people. Kashk is made from drained yogurt (in particular, drained qatiq) or drained sour milk by shaping it and letting it dry. It can be made in a variety of forms, like rolled into balls, sliced into strips, and formed into chunks.

There are three main kinds of food products with this name: foods based on curdled milk products like yogurt or cheese; foods based on barley broth, bread, or flour; and foods based on cereals combined with curdled milk.


The ancient form of kashk is a porridge of grains fermented with whey and dried in the sun. The long shelf-life and nutritional value of kashk made it a useful item for peasants during the winter months, as well as soldiers and travelers. Kashk is the origin of tarhana found in the moderns cuisines of Turkey and Greece, where it is called trachanas .

Modern kashk is usually a dish of dried buttermilk that can be crumbled and turned into a paste with water.
 This coarse powder can be used to thicken soups and stews and improve their flavor, or as an ingredient in various meat, rice, or vegetable dishes such as the Persian eggplant dish kashk e bademjan. Drying allows a longer shelf life for the product.

سلام، چطور می تونم کمکتون کنم.